International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day ladies! 

I’m not a “feminist” per se, by I am a proud member of the “fairer sex”, and everything that God can do with that!.

Now, I have to ask, what is with this not-so-cool, #OneDayIWill nonsense on Google? When I woke up and saw that hashtag it made me a little sad.  I understand where they were trying to take it,  but my immediate thought is, “Why do we have to wait?”

Do it now! “One day” is a dangerous sentiment.  It implies that there is nothing you can do today. Do we feel trapped? Is someone or something standing in our way? Are we currently immobile?  Yes, we should have long term goals, a bigger dream, yet you need to still KNOW in your heart of hearts that you have everything inside of you to start now to become everything God made you to be, and that begins today!

Sunset womans day meme

I stayed up late working last night, I was so excited about something and I wanted to strike while I was inspired.  Well, the clock chimed 2am before I went to bed, a grimace on my face as I thought about the coffee or cat-napping I would need to make it through tomorrow.

I even woke up thinking, “I won’t be much use today…”  Wait, why!?  I have no idea how today is going to go until I start doing it. I might surprise myself,  and I also know where my help comes from.
So let’s feel empowered ladies! One step at a time, one choice at a time. Let’s trend a new hashtag. #TodayIWill #startnow

~ The Captain

PS – real time update –I wrote this post in the morning, and today has been more fruitful than I could have imagined! I don’t know where the energy came from….well I do actually. From friends, from prayer, from feeding my body fuel, and breathing fresh air. Taking the small steps to love my self and those around me gives me the strength and clarity to do good work, even on a few hours sleep!

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