Event Prep 101


IMG_4724We all know that tingle that runs down our spine at the mention of an invite to, “an event”.   Events mean pictures that will be forever documented on every kind of inter-web platform known to man-kind.  It means impressing people you have never met, and may never see again.  It means possible introductions that could be pivotal to your career and future!  At this point, we fall into one of two camps:   either Camp A – pageant queens, pop-stars, and personal trainers – Yes!  I am loving my new hair, and I have the perfect outfit.  Better get on my juice cleanse for a few days and I’m good to go!  Or camp B – the average woman who’s stomach falls into the pit of her shoes and feels a cold chill as she thinks about the candy bar she had for lunch, how she is still growing her hair out from that last hasty decision, and it’s been so long since you’ve been to something like this that you can’t remember the last time you rehearsed your elevator speech.  What’s your brand/job title again?

miss australia groupOk, first things first – I love, (and envy), those for whom looking great is part of your job description on a daily basis, you have some good genes, and the support system around you to stay looking your best.  Keep it up girl, no shame here!  But I want to spend the rest of this blog speaking the woman who doesn’t have any extra help, who is still carrying her college weight…and then some, who hasn’t had an opportunity to step outside of her familiar circle of work and family in a while, and isn’t feeling self-assured in her presentation.

Having been in sales for many years, I understand the huge difference between maintaining yourself when you are in the groove, (feeling confident as you cruise from appointment to appointment…no sale?  That’s ok, you’ll get the next one!) with a day at the spa once a month to fix the nails and hair with your last commission check.  More recently I’ve been in the place where there are health issues, lots of work from home, and starting over in a new location which means less rhythm and in-frequent meetings.   All of that to say, I needed to be at an event 2 weeks ago, kind of pulled it together, but now have another one on the docket for this weekend, and am determined to do better.   My hope is that my learnings  can help you too.

A week out…

  • Stock the fridge with healthy, filling food that you like.  Don’t give yourself excuses to eat poorly and then feel bad!
  • Put work-outs into your schedule – at least 3 for an hour each, plus stretching time! This will give you endorphins and relieve stress, in addition to toning you up for those pro-pics.
  • Drink 3-5 bottles of purified and infused water a day.  Plain purified water can slide through your body, by adding some fruit or mint leaves, it gives your body something extra to absorb so that you are more hydrated. Plus, the fruit has extra good vitamins.
  • Pick up a new book, or several articles to sharpen your mind. A bio of someone who impresses you is a great option.
  • Carry a notebook with you to jot down ideas, words, phrases about yourself, your ambitions, and what you have to give. The more you write, the more you will come up with, and pretty soon, you’ll know just how to sell yourself in any situation.

girl on treadmillDuring your work-outs…think about who you might meet, what type of conversations you may have, and picture yourself enjoying all of it! You’re smiling, laughing, shaking hands with confidence, and you have a well considered opinion to share.

Plan 2-3 outfits. Yes, that seems excessive, but sometimes I go with what I”ve planned all week, and sometimes I wake up and want something different.  But think through all the peices and make sure you know where they are…last week, I had planned my Valentine’s outfit for church, and was so dissapointed the morning of when we were running late and my shirt was no-where to be found!  (I still haven’t found it…).  So try on your shoes, put out your earrings, if you are wearing a dress, think through your under-garments!  Do not let anyone be distracted from your super-smart brain by your bunching panty lines.  Let’s face it, men are hard enough to communicate with, let’s not give them any extra excuses shall we?

A few other things if you have the time and energy – 2 weeks out, or even further…you can get a hair cut and color. Do not try anything too new within a week, but at least 2 or 3 weeks out, you can get used to it and let it grow in  a bit.  Pick up new razors – even if you aren’t wearing a skirt, freshly shaved legs can make you feel confident.  Get your nails done the day before, or pick up some supplies to DIY ahead of time. (I would also start with the nails on the Monday before the event – exfoliate, clip, file, buff, trim cuticles, moisturize, and put on some type of nourishing gloss.  Then you can just touch them up the night before leaving them primed to paint the day of so there is no chipping.)

Ok, got all that?  Then you’re ready!  Preparation breeds confidence, and a confident you will bring your best self to your event, and that is really what the world needs most. ❤

~ Captain Morgen

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