Sunday Serotonin


Sunday seritoninHappy Sunday!  Did you know that mentally seeking things to be grateful for actually increases your serotonin and fights depression in the same way medication does?  This was a great article by Business Insider, it’s worth the read to understand chemically what’s happening in your body, and how you can actually influence it.  It’s titled, “4 Rituals That Will Make You Happier”, but they aren’t really giving your rituals, just helping you understand what your brain is doing.  Which is something that was very helpful for my own growth. Check it out.

Isn’t that fascinating?  Many days, I feel like my body owns me, but I DO know that stress makes it worse, and love and happiness make it better. It may take time, practice, and some life-style changes, but if we start now, maybe by this time next year, we won’t need as much outside help, (i.e., drugs, wine, coffee), and we’ll have that peace within.

So, I’ve created a little ritual that helps me. Want to try? Come on, what have you got to lose?

2016-02-28 14.59.39
In my natural habitat

Start by finding a window, or quiet place outside, set a timer for 3-5 minutes, and write or type things that you are grateful for, that you may not deserve, that make you smile.

Someone would probably look at your life and think you have all the makings of happiness…so why don’t we feel it? We may need to stop feeling like a victim of our circumstances, remember the gifts and skills we’ve been blessed with, and put together some plans to improve the things that are truly not well, while recognizing things that are actually better than we think.

To get you started…

Be grateful you are alive this morning, that you can read and write to learn and share, that you are connected to the world via Instagram, for your health or the health of loved ones, creative ideas about contributing to the world, a day of rest, a day of events, the work you can do, the responsibilities entrusted to you, food to eat, water to drink, and the opportunity to encourage someone else today.  Give thanks to the Creator, acknowledge that you have been blessed not because of what you’ve done, but because you are a lovely creation, made for love, and then think about what you can do with these gifts.

What else is on your list? I’d love to read some of your gratitude, leave a comment so that we can encourage each other!

~ The Captain


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