The Non-Threatening Threat


Is the only way to be liked as a woman to be non-threatening?  Listen ladies, I’m all for tuning into my primal instinct once in awhile…but we as humans have souls, the ability to reason, and we can rationalize our instinct a bit.  So let’s give each other a break!

I suspected this new trend in female-on-female bullying going on when I started to study the popularity of certain YouTube celebrities.  For example, Bethany Mota has sky-rocketed to the top, and why is she so much more successful than other girls in her field?  I suspect part of what sets her a notch above the rest – to take nothing away from her personality and video skills and creativity, because I am a loyal Motavator)  is that she fits the “every girl image” really well.  She’s confident without being cocky, pretty without being sexy, recognizable and spunky without being odd.

Trying to hit that exact balance is next to impossible, but Bethany has a lot of that built into her.  She also has a Look that has become very popular via J-Lo, small on top, bigger on the bottom, lovely dark hair, and a face that is sweet and open without being too harsh, exotic, or young,  She’s relate-able, and nice to look at, but you aren’t afraid she’s going to steal your man, and she’s so charming a silly without coming across that she’s trying (most of the time) so you forget that she has 9M followers, wouldn’t remember your comment out of all of them, and can afford a much nicer car than you.  And why does all that matter?

vintage-50-paseandoBecause we resent the girls with body types, or “looks”,  that have been celebrated for so many years.  Much like the post segregation era, and now the post-gay-is-ok era…there is back-lash when one group has been celebrated for too long, and another group feels excluded…then fights back – not always in a very fair way.  Now, “thick” is more celebrated than thin, and awkward is more celebrated than confident.  Hmmm  I think each PERSON should be loved and celebrated because they are a beautiful creation with gifts and talents to share with the world.  But we should not fault people for being more genetically appealing – we should encourage them to pro-create!
Again, ladies, I turly believe every individual has something to offer this world, but let’s be careful what we dis, and what we applaud.  Can we put our jealousy aside long enough to care about the human race as a whole?  Can we encourage healthy, creative, relational people?  Can we let people think differently from us?  Instead of swearing or using ugly language, or hating on someone’s appearance, can we offer encouragement in the things we DO like about them, or encourage them to get healthy, or strong, or better?

jealous-women-in-workplaceI was shocked and troubled to hear about a beautiful model being shamed on DWTS, and another who’s pregnant being shamed for her pics on Instagram.
People who are not thin or lean or fit shouldn’t lash out at those who are, they should lash out at Monsanto, and government policies that charge so much in taxes and restrict small business and farmers so that we are all regulated to manufactured food because it’s government subsidized and more readily available.  Why do we as women constantly attack each other?  Skinny women are not a threat to our food supply, that’s for sure!  But yes, we do begrudge our “territory of control” at work, on the dating scene, and in mommy-groups.

So focus on creating some focus and goals and discipline in your life regarding relationships, your health, and helping your neighbors – not giving to trendy causes and organizations, but literally helping your neighbor!  If we do those 3 things, we will feel so great about life and ourself, we’ll have no desire to put someone else down.
All the best to you ladies…don’t let the devil win!
~The Captain

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