4 Steps to Productivity


IMG_20160725_090730We all struggle with the performance pressure sometimes, don’t we? Friday was one of those days for me. I wasn’t sure how much I was going to be able to tackle in one day, and every time I looked at my phone there was another request.  Days like that used to paralyze me, I’d think, “There’s no way I can do any more! There’s not enough time!  I don’t have enough energy! What if I can’t come up with one more great idea on the spot? Are they going to regret trusting me with their cause?”

I know, pretty negative self-talk right?  Well, on any given day, as I get older, I find that what I produce is absolutely thrilling to some people, and still someone else is disappointed I didn’t do more for them.  I think often we, especially working women, allow ourselves to only feel satisfied when we’ve pleased others, rather than feeling satisfied because we did our best.

horse with blindersThe older I get, the more I realize, we are such amazing creatures, if we simply focused on doing our best, and let others respond how they choose to respond, we could be so much more productive!  Sometimes, as an entrepreneur, you can learn a lot from others, and sometimes, you just need to put on your blinders – and earmuffs for that matter – and just do you.  Do your best. Follow your instinct. Dare to act on your dreams. You don’t have to be successful like anyone else, unless you really want to.

So before you do anything else today, think about what you really want.  What is going to make you feel great about yourself at the end of the day – because you can’t control the feelings of anyone else.

Have you got your vision?  I do!  It took me some time to realize what it was, but now that I can see it in my mind, I can feel it in my heart, and I can filter my decisions based on getting me to that goal. You can too.  The fact that you read all the way to the end of this blog means you are more committed that 65% of the people out there!

So just for you, here are my 4 Steps to Productivity:PhotoGrid_1467989710743

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Great post!! So glad I ran across your blog. I had a similar Friday last week. Here’s to a fresh week!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, that means so much! Yes I’m looking forward to Monday, full of possibilities… Love your name, can’t wait to check out your blog too!

      Liked by 1 person

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