Tips to Travel Healthy


I LOVE to travel in style, Healthy style that is! Well, the other kind too, but today we’re talking about the body, not Bugatti, if you catch my drift…img_20160911_190639.jpg

Sleep whenever possible. Not only does going to sleep while in the car, on the plane, between meetings make the time go by, it also puts your body into rest and repair mode. It has time to repair cells and flush toxins created by the stress of rushing to meet people and deadlines, plus remember you toothbrush and pack enough underwear.  Plus – you will not add more stress by listening to crying babies, negative people, or passing traffic. Put in your headphones, and take a rest!

Take all the vitamins. You can’t fix everything overnight, but if you’ve been working with a naturopath, homeopath, or nutrition expert, as well as listening to your body for some time, you should know what vitamins and minerals you tend to be deficient it, and where you benefit from some extra help. Make sure they are easily accessible, even if it’s throwing your lunch-time dose into a plastic baggie in your purse so you don’t have to carry the bottles. Even if your food options aren’t that great, keeping up with your vitamins can help you have energy, less aches and pains, or head-aches and tummy issues.wp-1473700770566.jpg

Water, sunshine, exercise!  It seems so basic right? But, once you’re in a group, it can be easy to let awkwardness or the fear of being singled out lure you into not taking care of yourself.  This is harsh – but what helps me stay on track is taking a good look at those around me. At least 50% of the people I see are out of shape, complaining, or generally not who I aspire to be. So…don’t let them be your influence, YOU set the bar, and maybe they’ll follow!


For example, I went to a conference that wouldn’t let you bring in any outside food or drink, and had NO healthy options inside. So, I made sure to snack before and after, take all my vitamins, and then yes, I paid the exorbitant price for bottles of water once inside, and yes, I was the one who had to climb over people at least once or twice a session to use the rest room. But you know what?  I’m ok with that! My stomach and headaches, and yes I was on my period too – so those cramps – all stayed under control, and even subsided by day 2 because I stayed extra hydrated, and I took breaks to walk around, run the stairs, and bask in the sunshine whenever possible. Allowing your body to pee and sweat and getting your heart pumping are all things that help your body flush out toxins, including, cortisol (the stress hormone that makes us gain extra pounds around the stomach.)img_20160909_202429.jpg

Enjoy!  The more you smile, laugh, and enjoy yourself wherever you are, the more likely your body is to relax and do what it was made to do.  Now, this doesn’t happen overnight, make sure you’re doing all the good things before and after your trip, so your body is extra
strong for little bumps as you travel – like a sick hotel buddy, or missing a meal. Today, I stocked up on my fave juicing produce and am throwing back the green, organic goodness so that my system can keep healing from the rush of the weekend.img_20160910_153711.jpg

Happy healing to all of you – remember, success starts within!

~ Captain Morgen

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