Meet The Captain

14650083_10157557232915167_2485934818122085955_n-1“The Captain” as her clients call her, Morgen Reynolds grew up in the corporate sales culture, starting her first job as a sales rep in college.  After being promoted to run her own sales office, Morgen decided she loved the freedom of running her own business.  As friends requested her services in business planning and marketing strategy, she eventually opened a boutique marketing firm in Chicago.
One day, at a family wedding, a handsome, young entrepreneur whisked Morgen off her feet, and a short time later she was happily married and facing the challenge many women face: re-locating her business, career, and life to a new home in Orlando. Even more recently, they have made their home near West Palm Beach, and are loving it!

Struck by both fashion, and lifestyle, differences apparent in the women in the Sunshine Sate vs the Windy City, Morgen began to study the trends and patterns and contrasting them to her years of brand-building experience.  She decided there was a a need to support professional woman at a personal level, so she began doing her home-work and extending herself beyond organizational branding, to specifically Personal Branding.

 ~ Be your brand ~

Morgen has launched a new arm of the business specifically geared at helping working women build their brand through style, confidence, and creativity.
“I think it’s important for women to think about how the little things leave an impact, and either drive opportunities towards them, or away from them.  I believe it’s never to late too start making the choices that will lead us to the life we want.”
Peacock~Anchor~Starfish is brand-marketing meets image consulting. Think, “Marketing as a Lifestyle”.  Not every woman has a blank check when it comes to her style, health, and self-care, so finding affordable ways to help them look and feel their best is an important aspect of our brand. “We call ourselves, Deal Detectives, because we’re always hunting for a sale!”
Ladies, can we help each other?
We are looking for experts and entrepreneurs to interview about style, trends in health and fitness, as well as work-place issues so that we can bring our Best Self to the world.  Would you be willing to let me interview you about your store or services, and how we can help women look and feel their best?
Look forward to working with you,
 ~ Morgen, “The Captain”, Reynolds

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