Not All At Once

Ladies, You can’t do it all at once, something , absolutely,  has to be done first. Having recently moved, my mind falls into this groove more often than not: Do I unpack this box, or or that one first? Do I re-arrange, or put away?  Today, I was excited to finally put clothes away into…

Sunday Serotonin

Ladies, Happy Sunday!  Did you know that mentally seeking things to be grateful for actually increases your serotonin and fights depression in the same way medication does?  This was a great article by Business Insider, it’s worth the read to understand chemically what’s happening in your body, and how you can actually influence it.  It’s…

Monday Morning Grind

  Ladies, What are your thoughts when you first wake up on a Monday?  Do you hear birds singing? Does the sunlight gently stream through your open window and sweetly kiss you awake with whispers of your beauty?  Well, I’m not Cinderella, and that is not typically my experience. I’m sure depending on our unique…

Event Prep 101

Ladies, We all know that tingle that runs down our spine at the mention of an invite to, “an event”.   Events mean pictures that will be forever documented on every kind of inter-web platform known to man-kind.  It means impressing people you have never met, and may never see again.  It means possible introductions…

Intentional = Impromptu?

Ladies,  Today begins a series of days where I am challenging myself to be more intentional about how I live my life.  My personal goal is to become stronger physically, (I have some chronic health stuff, it’s a slow healing process). But really, we can be more intentional about a lot of things!     What I…

Putting it Together for Work

Putting 2 and 2 together… I spoke with a good friend the other day who is a working Mom of 3.  She’s always been successful in the work-place, is loving and hard-working, but still struggles like the rest of us to find the work/life balance, and beat her insecurities on a daily bases. If fashion…

Sell Yourself with a Smile

So once upon a time, I was meeting up with one of my girls at the local bar.  Now, I’m not a “go sit at the bar” type of girl, I’m more at home in a coffee house, but sometimes you go where your friends go and embrace it. I decided to truly embrace the…

Be Your Brand

Welcome to Peacock Anchor Starfish,  I’m so glad you’re here!  This blog is about personal branding and style for women with ambition.  You see, as we go about our day, perhaps without even realizing it, we are constantly teaching people about ourselves as the see and interact with us.  All these little interactions begin to…