Tips to Travel Healthy

Ladies,  I LOVE to travel in style, Healthy style that is! Well, the other kind too, but today we’re talking about the body, not Bugatti, if you catch my drift… Sleep whenever possible. Not only does going to sleep while in the car, on the plane, between meetings make the time go by, it also…

Healthy Choice Monday

Ladies, Make good choices. You have options. Yes, you have to think, be intentional, and sometimes do a little research or shopping around…but a few different choices every day will help you build a different you, and the life you want. Do it! These happen to be all organic choices from my local Publix grocery….

Green Juice for St. Patricks Day!

Ladies,  Instead of “treating” ourselves to something we’re going to have to work-off tomorrow, what if we actually treat our bodies to something that works FOR us, today? Yes, I’ve handed in my beer cup and sworn off the Jägermeister for several years now, but being healthy doesn’t just mean abstaining from what’s bad…it means…

Take Charge of Sleep

Ladies,  Is anyone else this crazy? Just now I find myself feeling anxiety over the fact that my coffee was getting cold and I wasn’t drinking it yet because I was on the phone, picking up the hubs, and finishing my juice. And I was actually feeling guilty that my coffee was getting cold!  Am I…

Not All At Once

Ladies, You can’t do it all at once, something , absolutely,  has to be done first. Having recently moved, my mind falls into this groove more often than not: Do I unpack this box, or or that one first? Do I re-arrange, or put away?  Today, I was excited to finally put clothes away into…

Sunday Serotonin

Ladies, Happy Sunday!  Did you know that mentally seeking things to be grateful for actually increases your serotonin and fights depression in the same way medication does?  This was a great article by Business Insider, it’s worth the read to understand chemically what’s happening in your body, and how you can actually influence it.  It’s…

Event Prep 101

Ladies, We all know that tingle that runs down our spine at the mention of an invite to, “an event”.   Events mean pictures that will be forever documented on every kind of inter-web platform known to man-kind.  It means impressing people you have never met, and may never see again.  It means possible introductions…