Existing Because

These ideas have been swimming through my mind, sauntering into my sights, and weighing on my heart for almost 2 years.

Finally putting them into words, these are the principles that guide the work here on this blog and with our clients, as well as in our personal relationships, and home-life. We hope you’ll be inspired, and in turn, inspire us, to keep bringing our best selves to the world!

4c15fd_fe05ad2c237e446faf867248a3d2c6d5Strut your Stuff: We’re at our best when we’re confident, when we feel great about ourselves. This isn’t about a fake exterior, this is about finding clothes, hair-styles, and looks that highlight your personality, God-given beauty, and let you be taken seriously for you.

4c15fd_41497cd9bcb44d8eb8ffc4dd73acb66cAnchor your Soul: Our life is a product of what we believe in. Whether that’s family, money, respect, love, we can’t contribute to the world if we don’t believe it’s worth it. We personally believe that every individual was designed by God with a purpose, therefore we anchor our soul to something larger than ourselves. That keeps us humble.

4c15fd_53ada5c4557f401bbacb5ab3d4956ba4Save a Life: Have you heard the story of the “Starfish and the Boy?”

One day, a old man is walking down the beach. He sees many starfish that were washed onto the sand by the tide. He moves back from the water, and walks on higher ground. 

As he walks, he catches up to a young boy walking slowly near the waves. Every time the water laps the shore, his rolled-up denims are getting a little more wet. The old man watches as he gets closer, the young boy reaches down, pick up a starfish, and gently tosses it into the sea. 

The old man keeps walking, gaining ground on the high-dry sand. As he passes by the boy, who just then picks up another starfish, he calls out, “It won’t make any difference you know! You can do that all day, you won’t be able to save them all.”

The boy pauses, holding the creature…he looks up at the old man who could be his grandfather, and then gently tossed the starfish out to the ocean. “I can’t save all of them, but I did save that one.”

Too often we think we can never do enough, so we get discouraged, and try less. However, has anyone ever saved you? What if they had felt too bad about themselves, too discouraged or worthless to try?

Ladies, by believing in our God-given worth and purpose, we not only save our own life, we can then turn around and encourage, mentor, love, and perhaps save, someone else.

Let’s go on the journey together.  ~ The Captain